
A. Laurito of ChE presents paper in RCEE 2016

Prof. Alberto A. Laurito, MS of the Chemical Engineering (ChE) Department of the Faculty of Engineering, presented a paper entitled, 鈥淚mplementing Authentic Learning in a Green Boiler Technology Chemical Engineering Elective Course: Experiences at the 探花精选鈥, in the Special Track on Chemical Engineering Education at the 6th Regional Conference on Engineering Education (RCEE 2016), held at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur from 9-10 August 2016. The paper is a part of Prof. Laurito鈥檚 work as a UNIDO International Expert for Outcomes-Based Education (OBE), in which he assists in the development of training programs in university courses connected with UNIDO projects using the OBE model.

With Laurito was Prof. Evelyn R. Laurito, Ph.D., former Chairperson of the UST ChE Department, who also works in the UNIDO Green Boiler Technology project. Both are Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers (PIChE) fellows, and are actively engaged in the implementation of OBE in the UST ChemE Department and in the Faculty of Engineering as well as in the ChemE Education in the Philippines through the PIChE-Metro-Manila Academe Chapter (PIChE-MMAC) where they both served as President. They joined the Board of Directors of the Philippine Association of Engineering Schools (PAES), Inc. in connecting with their Malaysian counterparts at RCEE 2016 in their effort to continuously improve the quality of engineering education in the Philippines. With the PAES delegation was Prof. Philipina A. Marcelo, Ph. D., Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and 1st Vice-President of the Philippine Association of Engineering Schools.

In his networking activities at RCEE 2016, Prof. A. Laurito also promoted the 2016 ASEAN Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Education Summit (AUChEEdS), which UST is co-hosting through the ChemE Department on 18-22 September 2016.

Prof. A. Laurito is former Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, former Assistant to the Rector for Planning and Development, and former Director of the Educational Technology Center. He currently serves as Chairperson of the CHED Technical Committee on Chemical Engineering Education, and as pioneering OIC of the Industry, Government, Academe and Alumni Relations Program (IGAARP) of the Faculty of Engineering.

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