
Call for Papers

Scholars from various disciplines, but especially from Philosophy and Theology, are invited to submit paper abstracts of about 300 words on any of the following themes. While the Conference will allow participants to listen to the lectures online, all paper presenters are expected to present in person.

  • St. Thomas Aquinas and the Problem of Post-truth
  • St. Thomas Aquinas as a Mediator of Truth
  • St. Thomas Aquinas and Aristotle
  • St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine
  • St. Thomas Aquinas and Science
  • St. Thomas Aquinas’ Spirituality of Dialogue
  • St. Thomas Aquinas and Gender
  • St. Thomas Aquinas and Modernity
  • St. Thomas Aquinas and the Problem of Knowledge
  • St. Thomas Aquinas and the Many Thomisms
  • St. Thomas Aquinas and the Death of God
  • St. Thomas Aquinas and the End of Metaphysics
  • St. Thomas Aquinas in the Philippines
  • St. Thomas Aquinas, Dialogue and Cancel Culture
  • St. Thomas Aquinas and Dialogue with Asian Cultures and Religions
  • St. Thomas and Doing Contextual Theology
  • Summa Theologiae as a Performance of Dialogue
  • The Christian and Non-Christian in Summa Contra Gentiles
  • Contemporary Reading of St. Thomas Aquinas’ De Veritate
  • Dialogue as a Mode of Preaching and Teaching
  • The (Im)Possibility of Dialogue in Social Media
  • Jewish Thought in St. Thomas Aquinas
  • The Post-modern Take on St. Thomas Aquinas
  • East-West Dialogue in the Writings of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • Rational Discourse and Populism
  • Contemporary Forms of the Dialogue Between Faith and Reason
  • Religion, Politics, and the Public Sphere
  • The Role of Catholic Education

Abstracts dealing with other but related topics may also be submitted for considerationÌý

Important dates:

  • April 30, 2023: Deadline for Submission of Abstracts (May 30, 2023)
  • June 15, 2023: Last day of the Notification of Accepted Abstracts
  • July 18-19, 2023: Conference Dates

Contact Information

For inquiries, please contact the Conference Secretariat:

Email: aquinasconferences@ust.edu.ph

+63 2 8731-4301
+63 2 3406-1611 loc. 8256 or 8659

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