
UST, Monash University Malaysia hold third joint symposium, discuss potential collaboration

With the goal of strengthening existing collaborations and developing new ones, delegates from the UST College of Science Department of Mathematics and Physics and Monash University Malaysia (MUM) held a joint symposium hosted by MUM from September 7 to 8, 2023.

Organized by the UST College of Science – Department of Mathematics and Physics and MUM School of Engineering, the Joint International Engineering and Science Symposium on Computational Modelling and Simulation (JIESSCMS) took place on the first day of the event.

UST College of Science Physics Coordinator Mr. Kristan Bryan C. Simbulan, Ph.D. gave the opening remarks, which highlighted the three-year collaboration of UST and MUM. Three delegates from the UST Department of Mathematics and Physics delivered lectures on their research interests, namely Asst. Prof. John Andrew C. Albay, Ph.D. on stochastic resetting; Asst. Prof. Roland Cristopher F. Caballar, Ph.D. on ultracold atoms; and Asst. Prof. Vladimir P. Villegas, Ph.D. on quantum heat engines and refrigerators. 聽

Delegates from the MUM School of Engineering and School of Science also participated in the symposium, particularly Dr. Joseph Ho Yong Kuen, who lectured on computational biomass and biopolymer engineering; Dr. Michelle Yap Khai Kun on biomedical modeling and simulation of cytotoxin; Dr. Ooi Ean Hin on the computational study of sonothrombolysis; and Dr. Yeong Wai Chung on run sum charts. Dr. Tan Chee Pin, head of the Electrical & Robotics Engineering Department of MUM School of Engineering, gave the closing remarks to appreciate the collaborative efforts between the two universities.

The next day, Drs. Simbulan, Albay, Caballar, and Villegas held informal discussions on potential collaborations with Dr. Liang Shuan-Ni of the MUM School of Engineering and Drs. Yeong Wai Chung, Ashish Dutt, and MD Zobaer Hassan of the MUM School of Science. Avenues of collaboration that were discussed included possible joint research projects on physics, mathematics, and data science and analytics.

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