ࡱ>  _+bjbj Dcc"v..8$ 48TT"vvv&&&$c'$z%c'c'vvj---c'r8vv-c'--!v0H5(ѷ082._*.p.+x&0D&"-f&&&&&,&&&8c'c'c'c'.&&&&&&&&&. N: 4  TYPE YOUR TITLE HERE. THE APA RECOMMENDATION FOR TITLE LENGTH SHOULD NOT EXCEED 12 WORDS A Thesis Proposal Presented to the Graduate School University of Santo Tomas In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements of the Degree Master in Business Administration by JUAN CARLOS DE BOURBON November 2011 ABSTRACT This section is limited to 100-150 words (approximately 12-15 lines), singly spaced and must include at least four (4) keywords. Provide a brief overview of the proposal that gives a reader a basic understanding of your proposal and encourages her or him to read more. Keywords: solar systems, universe, aliens, space TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Prefatory Note (Optional) 1 1.0 Problem Rationale 4 1.1 Rationale 4 1.2 Research Impediments (Limitations of the Study) 6 2.0 The Research Questions 2.1 Literature Review 7 2.2 Theoretical Framework 18 2.3 Research Questions (or Hypothesis if applicable) 22 2.4 Research Paradigm (Simulacrum or Hypothesized Model) 23 3.0 Research Methods 24 3.1 Research Design: Descriptive-Correlational (for example) 26 3.2 Meaning 29 3.3 Subjects and Study Site 30 3.4 Data Measure/ (or Instrument) 31 3.5 Data Gathering Procedure 32 3.6 Ethical Considerations (VERY IMPORTANT section!) 33 3.7 Data Analysis (or Mode of Analysis) 34 References 40 Examples only! (remove those not applicable) Appendix I: Permit to Conduct the Interviews 47 Appendix II: Request for Pertinent Data 48 Appendix III: Informed Consent for Research Participants 49 Appendix IV: Informed Consent for Research Participation Recruited Concept Mapping Participants 50 Appendix V: Survey Questionnaires 51 Appendix VI: The Interview Protocol 54 Appendix VII: The Interview Protocol for Tutors/Reviewers 56 Appendix VIII: The Interview Protocol 57 Appendix IX: Concept Mapping Instrument 58 Appendix X: Documentary Analysis 60 Appendix XI: Timetable for Research 61 Appendix XII: Budget Proposal 62 Curriculum Vitae 63 CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM RATIONALE 1.1 Rationale This section must be clear and logical in describing succinctly the trends in the field that render the chosen thesis topic problematic. 1.2 Research Impediments This section must describe the research barriers or limitations of the study, (if possible, substantial, ethical, methodological, and practical) that the candidate may come across in the conduct of the study. CHAPTER 2 THE RESEARCH QUESTIONS This chapter includes all types of materials reviewed, conceptual literature which came from books. Related studies both local and foreign consisting mainly of peer reviewed journals. Your aim is to show how the present study relates to the existing knowledge and previous studies in terms of both similarities and differences. The formal sub-sections for this chapter are; 2.1 Review of the Literature Must be comprehensive in the light of the chosen variables with a view to surfacing the research blankspots (unexplored area) and blindspots (conflicting areas in the literature). 2.2 Theoretical Framework 2.2 Research Question/s (or Hypotheses) A research hypothesis is the statement you created when you speculate upon the outcome of a research or experiment. Every true experimental design must have this statement at the core of its structure, as the ultimate aim of any experiment. 2.4 Research Paradigm (or Simulacrum) CHAPTER 3 THE RESEARCH METHODS This chapter must include details of your experimental methodology. The example below is for Descriptive-Correlational design. 3.1 Research Design: Descriptive-Correlational 3.2 Meaning Example (taken from Rowena Escolar-Chua, 2010): Correlational research attempts to establish relationship between two or more variables. It gives an indication of how one variable may predict another. However, correlation does not imply causation; that is, simply because two events are in some way correlated (related) does not mean that one necessarily causes the other (Stangor, 2007; Bold, 2001 as cited by Williams, 2007). In this study, the relationship between active engagement with third age education and the psychological measures of successful ageing shall be ascertained. 3.3 Subjects and Study Site Example (taken from Marishirl Tropicales, 2010): Seven male and seven female principals representing private secondary schools will be chosen for the study. This sample size is typical of qualitative research as Patton (1990) explains that there are no rules about sample size. It is dependent on what the researcher wishes to know; the purpose of the inquiry; 3.4 Research Instrument (Data Measure) Example (taken from Marishirl Tropicales, 2010): Five assessment tools or scales will be utilized to collect data for this research. Data yielded from these instruments will be used in publications 1 and 4. Each scale is described in detail below: 3.4.1 Transformational Leadership Behavior Inventory (TLI) This scale was developed by Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Moorman, and Fetter (1990). It was designed to measure six (6) key dimensions of transformational leadership identified in the research literature. The 6 transformational leadership dimensions are: 1) articulating a vision; . 3.4.2 Ethical Leadership Scale (ELS) Authored by Brown, Trevino and Harrison (2005), ELS is composed of 10 items that are represented on a 7-point continuum (1=very little, 7=very much) with higher scores indicating.. 3.5 Data Gathering Procedure Example (taken from Marishirl Tropicales, 2010): A semi-structured interview guide consisting of in-depth descriptive questions (see Appendix VI) will be formulated concerning the wise leadership behaviors of the principals. Teachers will also be interviewed on the extent to which their principal employs wisdom in their leadership. A permit (see Appendix II) to conduct the interview will be properly secured in order to maximize the time allotted for the interview 3.5.1 Interview Protocol. The researcher will inform the interviewees of the nature and relevance of the research which they will be part of. They will also be requested to sign the consent form (see Appendix II). A semi-structured interview will be used to guide the interview process. According to Cooper and Schindler (2003) 3.6 Ethical Considerations Permission to use the different leadership assessment tools was sought from the authors 3.7 Data Analysis Example (taken from Belinda Castro, 2010): Using SPSS version 17, Cronbach Alpha revealed the instruments reliability and internal consistency to be 93.5%, indicating that items measuring the constructs were reliable and internally consistent. Delineation of existing market segments within the shadow education marketplace called for two market segmentation methods, namely: the a priori market segmentation using binary logistic regression (Monahan, McHonrney, Stump & Perkins, 2007; Goldstein & Perin, 2008) and the posteriori segmentation using factor analysis BIBLIOGRAPHY Arrange all literature actually cited in chapters 1 to 3, arrange them ALPHABETICALLY (NOT NUMBERED)and strictly use APA style entries. Sample entries for books, journals, book edition and internet source are shown below in that order; Baxter, C. (1997). Race Equality in Health Care and Education. Philadelphia: Ballire Tindall. Gaudio, J. L., & Snowdon, C. T. (2008). Spatial Cues More Salient Than Color Cues in Cotton-Top Tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) reversal learning. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 122, 441-444. doi:10.1037/0735-7036.122.4.441 Hyde, J. S.,& Delamater, J. (2008). Human Sexuality (10th ed.) New York: McGraw-Hill. Research Initiatives. (n.d.). Retrieved January 11, 2007, from MIT, Comparative Media Studies website, http://cms.mit.edu/research/index.php Appendix XI Timetable for Research Research Objectives2010 2011JunJulAugSeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMay1. Writing of Proposal2. Collection of Algal Materials3. Fractionation of Polysaccharides4. Collection of Blood and Isolation of PBMCs5. Cell Viability Assay6. ELISA Assay for Cytokines7. MRNA extraction8. Chemopreventive assays9. Data Collation/Analysis 10. Colloquium/Defense Appendix XII Budgetary Requirements SOURCES OF EXPENSESQuantityAmount (PhP)Collection .Isolation of .Tissue Culture ReagentsTotal Curriculum Vitae  Limit to one (1) page !     PAGE  PAGE 2  UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS GRADUATE SCHOOL PAGE Insert your picture here  #&Y[br{ " 8 9 E F 񿭿xeRBh?]B*CJOJQJaJph%h#Mh8<B*CJOJQJaJph%h+hxB*CJOJQJaJph%h+h8<B*CJOJQJaJph%hc@PhxB*CJOJQJaJphhZhVCJOJQJaJ"hOr5B*CJOJQJaJphhOrB*CJOJQJaJphhOrCJOJQJaJ*jh{CJOJQJUaJmHnHuhZhxCJOJQJaJ 6bcdefghij}$ `a$gd$$ `a$gdOr$ `a$gdx   ! 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